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Magnetic line for whiteboards

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
3.69 € HT (4.43) 8.86
Sélectionnez votre quantité :
Référence produit : LTAB
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Create removable grids on your whiteboards with these semi-rigid magnetic lines: the lines can be magnetised on any ferrous surface and moved as many times as you need.

Dark grey appearance.
Very strong magnetism

The magnetic line is made in our workshop near Grenobl, from a strong magnetic rubber on which we glue a polypropylene to make the product rigid.
The magnetic line can be re-cut with scissors if you need smaller dimensions.

Length: 1m
Width: 5mm
Thickness: 2mm

Poids unitaire0.037 Kg
Face supérieure
Face inférieure
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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