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Customized rectangular magnet 55mm x 22mm x 8.5mm

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
5.05 € HT (6.06) 12.12
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Référence produit : AIBPER55X22X8,5

Bloc plastique blanc

- Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Customized rectangular magnets with two 11mm diameter neodymium magnets.Magnets are made of neodymium, an iron/boron/rare earth alloy.
Magnets are in a rectangular plastic housing which protects them from impactss and makes them easy to handle. We can print directly on the plastic housing.Customized round magnet just has one 11 diameter neodymium magnet.

Magnet customization

:We can print customized image or text on the plastic housing.{PARAGRAPHE24}

The printing process in our workshop

We print directly on the plastic housing. As a result we can process your order as fast as any other orders.

Powerful magnetic performance

: With its powerful neodymium magnet, it can hold more than 15 sheets of paper size A4 on a white board.{PARAGRAPHE13}

The different products available in the customized magnet range

2 shapes available : round from 30 to 40mm diameter or rectangular 5,5x2,2cm.If you don’t have files to send, you can have a look to our{Lien024}with symbols.

Poids unitaire0.014 Kg

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