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Fluorescent magnetic strip with erasable felt coating - 1m x 1cm

  • Fluorescent magnetic strip with erasable felt coating - 1m x 1cm
Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
2.71 € HT (3.25) 9.75
Vert Fluo   Rose Fluo   Rouge Fluo  
Orange Fluo   Jaune Fluo  
Référence produit : BMF10

magnétique - 10mm

- Fabrication française.

Description du produit

These colored magnetic tapes stick to any ferrous surface : whiteboard, fridge, steel shelves. 30 colors available including 5 fluorescent colors*. You can use dry erase markers on the front side and you can cut it with scissors or cuter. We use a high quality magnetic rubber : tapes will stick firmly whatever the grade of your ferrous surface.


Use dry erase markers to write on magnetic tapes. We advise you to clean regularly magnetic tapes, or to use a whiteboard spray cleaner. All magnetic tapes are 1m long.Choose the width - from 1 to 10cm - and the color.
We sell on our website, ferrous surfaces suitable for these magnetic tapes :{Lien027},{Lien047},{Lien079},{Lien080}, etc.

Made in france

We manufacture these magnetic tapes in our workshop in Sassenage. We coat a 0,75mm thick magnetic rubber with a colored vinyl lamination. Then we add a dry wipe finish.
We also make{Lien081},{Lien082}, or{Lien083}.from 5 to 15 cm long.
We can make{Lien070}a special size or a customized printing.

Pulling strength : 65gr/cm2

We use a flexible 0,75mm thick magnetic rubber, strong enough to stick to any metallic surface, even thin or curved. It offers a good compromise between size and strength.{PARAGRAPHE18}{PARAGRAPHE27}

* colors may slightly vary due to your monitoring settings

Poids unitaire0.03 Kg
Face supérieure
Face inférieure
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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