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20 cm high magnetic cursive letter in red on white background

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
4.04 € HT (4.85) 9.7
Lettre A Lettre B Lettre C
Lettre D Lettre E Lettre F
Lettre G Lettre H Lettre I
Lettre J Lettre K Lettre L
Lettre M Lettre N Lettre O
Lettre P Lettre Q Lettre R
Lettre S Lettre T Lettre U
Lettre V Lettre W Lettre X
Lettre Y Lettre Z
Référence produit : ALPHAMCU20R
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Order magnetic with a cursive letter style. Each letter is a white rectangular magnet on which is printed the character you wish, among the 26 letters of the alphabet.Magnetic letters stick to any ferrous surface.Each cursive magnetic letter is available in black, green, blue or red on a white glossy lamination.
We use the CURSIVE STANDARD typography for this product but on request we can print magnetic letters with different typography and size.Each letter is cut out from a 0,75mm thick magnetic rubber with a 75gr/cm2 pull strength.

We use a high quality anisotropic magnetic rubber : magnetic letters will stick firmly to any ferrous surface : white board, fridge etc…
We sell on our website{Lien046}where you can stick your magnetic letters.The 0.75mm magnetic rubber is relatively thick : magnets are easy to grab.

Made in France

Magnetic letters are made from strat to finish in our workshop in Sassenage. We put a white and glossy vinyl coating on a 0,75mm thick magnetic rubber. Then we cut it in a rectangular form. You can choose between 4 heights : 10, 15, 20, 25cm.
If you need a special size or a different typography,{Lien040}.

The different products in the magnetic{Lien066}

We sell{Lien065}as well as letters and numbers individually and even magnetic{Lien063}. Characters can either be cut to the shape of the letter or number, or printed in a white rectangular magnet. We use the ARIAL typography for{Lien061}and{Lien062}, and CURSIVE STANDARD for{Lien064}.
For each character, you can choose between several sizes, from 5 to 25cm, and different colors.{PARAGRAPHE17}

Poids unitaire0.02 Kg

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