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A4 magnetic binder

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
20.97 € HT (25.16) 25.16

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Référence produit : PORANMAG
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Display your documents, data-sheets, flyers on a ferrous surface with this magnetic ring binder.
We stick a powerful 1mm thick magnetic rubber at the back of the ring binder. It will stick to any ferrous surface : metal cabinet, steel shelves; whiteboard…

You will find on our website a wide selection of ferrous surfaces like ferrous tape, ferrous plate, as well as whiteboard.

The magnetic ring binder can be used in portrait or landscape format. It is equipped with a rigid cover page that protects your documents. This cover page sticks to the ring binder structure with a magnet.

Magnetic ring binder size

2 sizes available :
A4 format with 4 rings
A5 format with 2 rings
For each size, 8 colors available.

Pulling strength : 82gr/cm2

We use a flexible 1mm thick magnetic rubber, strong enough to stick to any metallic surface, even thin one. Magnetic ring binder will stick firmly to its contact surface even with hundreds sheets of paper.
We choose to only use anisotropic magnetic rubber which means that ferrite particles are aligned in the same direction, thus increasing its magnetic hold compared to conventional magnetic rubber.
BE CAREFUL : magnetic field is strong but only at short range. Remember to put magnetic ring binder in flush contact with ferrous surface.{PARAGRAPHE17}{PARAGRAPHE27}

*PLEASE NOTE that the actual colours may differ slightly from the colours you see on our website, depending on the configuration of your screen.

Poids unitaire0.395 Kg

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