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One-piece anti-slip magnetic base with tapped hole - Diameter 30mm - Capacity 9kg - M6 thread

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Prix unitaire & dégressivité
6.48 € HT (7.77) 15.56
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Référence produit : PLA30F
Aimant néodyme d'une pièce avec revêtement antiglisse percé et taraudé - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Disc-shaped rubber coated magnet. One powerful neodymium magnet coated in slip-resistant resin.
The rubber pad has an internal thread : create a magnetic holding solution to screw-on.With its slip-resistant coating, this rubber pads is perfect for creating fixation system on a vertical surface.This rubber coated magnet can stick to any ferrous surface.

Powerful magnetic performance

Rubber pads contain powerful neodymium magnets.Neodymium magnets are composed of an iron/boron/rare earth alloy which is currently the most powerful magnetic alloy currently available. For each rubber pads, we indicate a theoretical strength measured in Kilograms corresponding to pulling strength or sliding strength.The pulling strength is how much force is required to pull the magnet off a ferrous surface (acting perpendicular).
The sliding strength corresponds to the holding strength on a vertical surface. Magnetic hold is reduced on a vertical surface because gravitation makes magnets slide down. The slip-resistant coating provides high resistance to vertical slippage.

These theoretical strength may vary according to the ferrous surface grade or if the rubber coated magnet is not in flush contact with the ferrous surface.

It can be used in outdoor or indoor conditions

The rubber pad is waterproof and slip-resistant. Magnet is protected from humidity and outdoor conditions : It won’t rust.Rubber coated magnet is permanent : The magnetic properties are reusable indefinitely : It can be easily removed and repositioned : magnetic strength won’t reduce with time.Neodymium magnet is powerful but they can't withstand extreme temperatures.
Don’t use rubber coated magnet in places where temperature is below 20° or above 85°.

The different items available in the rubber coated magnet range

Choose the diameter : from 30mm to 50mm.
We also sell :
- Rubber coated magnet with thread. Choose the fixation system : With{Lien134}or with{Lien135}.-{Lien136}.
-Rubber coated magnet with an{Lien137}backing-{Lien138}.-Slip-resistant rubber coated magnet with{Lien139}.

Poids unitaire0.02 Kg

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