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Adhesive round steel piece magnet-compatible - Diameter 16mm

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
0.41 € HT (0.49) 14.7
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Référence produit : CPA16
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

These self adhesive steel discs can be used to create a magnetic surface suitable for magnets and rubber coated magnet. Create a magnetic fixing system and make magnetic an object.{PARAGRAPHE29}

Choose the diameter according to the object you wish to hold : the larger the contact area is, stronger will be the magnetic performance.


Steel discs have an adhesive backing. Simply peel away the adhesive’s protective film and stick the steel disc on the desired object.
For a better adhesion, we advise you to previously clean the surface with isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth. We also advise you to firmly push the steel disc after applying the adhesive to prevent air bubbles or dust from getting trapped between the surface and the adhesive.

Poids unitaire0.002 Kg

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