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A3 magnetic desk pad

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
45.65 € HT (54.78) 54.78
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Référence produit : SOUSMA3
Tapis sous-main en caoutchouc magnétique puissant avec coins arrondis - Format 29,7cm x 42cm x 0,2cm - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Keep your screws and bolts within easy reach with this magnetic hand carpet !
Perfect for mechanics, jeweler, clockmakers, smartphone repairers and more generally for all DIYers who use small metal parts. We use a powerful magnetic rubber which firmly holds small and medium metallic objects.
We manufacture this item in our workshop in sassenage, France.We use a polypropylene plate on which we stick a top quality sheet of anisotropic magnetic rubber. Corners are rounded.

The polypropylene plate allows to rigidify the magnetic carpet and allows a good grip.


Length : 420mm
Width : 297mm
Thickness : 2mm

Poids unitaire0.65 Kg

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