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Ferrite magnetic pin 9mm x 6mm

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
0.29 € HT (0.34) 10.5
Rouge   Bleu   Blanc  
Jaune   noir   Vert  
Référence produit : AILC9X6
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Colored magnetic pin is a small ferrite magnet, suitable for light-weight items.
The ferrite magnet is in a colored plastic cap which protects It from cracking following impacts with other magnet.
6 colors are available : red, green, blue, yellow, white and black.
The ferrite magnet is a simple and economical solution to hold documents, postcards or pictures on a white board or a fridge. If you need magnets with a powerful magnetic strength, it is advisable to use neodymium magnets.Although ferrite magnets are less powerful that neodymium magnets, the magnetic pin is strong enough to easily hold a sheet of paper size A4 (80g/m2) on a ferrous surface.

What is a ferrite magnet ?

Like all magnets, ferrite magnet has a magnetic field that gives it its magnetic properties: it will stick to any ferrous surfaces. The magnetic field strength is lower with ferrite than with AlNiCo (Aluminium/Nickel/Cobalt) or NdFeB (Neodymium/Iron/Boron) alloys.
For the same size, a ferrite magnet will be about 7 times less powerful than a neodymium magnet.

Ferrite is a chemical compound discovered in the middle of the 20th century, composed of iron oxide (Fe2O3) and strontium (Sr). It has the advantage of being resistant to corrosion and high temperatures up to 225°C.
Ferrite is now used in the creation of low-cost magnets and flexible magnets: the soft brown{Lien015}used to manufacture flexible magnets contains ferrite particles embedded in a resin which then becomes magnetic.

Poids unitaire0.002 Kg
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Température curie
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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