These magnets are the strongest of our office magnets. These aesthetic magnets are made of neodymium, an iron/borro/rare earth alloy, which offer powerful magnetic properties.Neodymium magnets are encased in a steel coating. The steel coating protects the magnet from impacts and increases significantly its magnetic hold.
The steel coating allow an easy grip. You can easily move them on a daily basis.{PARAGRAPHE13}
Poids unitaire | 0.04 Kg |
Hauteur | |
Materiaux | |
Diamètre | |
Forme | |
Tolérance | |
Magnétisation | |
Revêtement | |
Grade | |
Force arrachage | |
Température utilisation | |
Température curie | |
Rémanence Br | |
Champ coercitif bHc | |
Champ coercitif jHc | |
Produit énergétique (BxH)max |