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Printable A4 magnetic paper for inkjet and laser printers

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
1.90 € HT (2.28) 11.4

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Référence produit : PMA4
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

White magnetic photo paper adapted to all ink-jet printers and laser printers. The magnetic photo paper will stick to any ferrous surface : whiteboard, fridge, steel shelves …
We sell on our website,{Lien046}to stick-on or to screw-on, suitable for this printable magnetic paper photo.

Be aware : Magnetic field is strong but only at short range. Remember to put magnetic photo paper in flush contact with ferrous surface.
Two sizes available : A4 o A3.0,3mm thick with glossy finish.

Easy to use

Simply insert the magnetic photo paper in the printer tray. Adjust your printer settings to allow thick paper printing.
Print one photo at a time.{PARAGRAPHE21}{PARAGRAPHE26}{PARAGRAPHE27}

Poids unitaire0.05 Kg
MateriauxCaoutchouc magnétique
Face supérieurePapier imprimable mat
Face inférieureVernis de protection
Force arrachage18g/cm2
Température utilisation60°
Température curie
Rémanence Br164 mT
Champ coercitif bHc103 KA/M
Champ coercitif jHc177 KA/m
Produit énergétique (BxH)max4,7 KJ/m4

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