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Magnet with rubber coating - Diameter 16.8mm x 9.4mm power 7kg

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Prix unitaire & dégressivité
3.46 € HT (4.15) 12.45

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Référence produit : AIR15X8C
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

What we call rubber coated magnet is a neodymium magnet covered with a slip-resistant and waterproof polymer resin.The magnet is made of neodymium, an iron/boron/rare earth alloy which is currently the most powerful magnetic alloy.

Polarity : The north and south faces are located on both sides of the rubber coating disc.

Application of the rubber coating magnet

Neodymium magnets are composed of iron and can rust in contact with water or moisture. With its protective coating, rubber coated magnets can be used in outdoor conditions.The rubber coating also protects the magnet from impacts, which is important because neodymium magnets are brittle.
Rubber coated magnets also provide high resistance to vertical slippage.It can also be an aesthetic argument. On a blackboard, the rubber coating is more discreet.{PARAGRAPHE01}

The different products available in the rubber coating magnet range

4 sizes available : from 16,8mm to 22mm diameter and two thicknesses for each diameter.If you need a higher strength, we also sell{Lien014}with several neodymium magnets.

Do not confuse rubber coated magnets and magnetic rubber

Rubber coated magnets are magnets covered with a protective rubber coating.{Lien015}is a magnetic rubber tape with ferrite particles. It will stick to any ferrous surface.
All the products you will find in magnetic rubber range are designed in our workshop in Sassenage. They are made from rolls of magnetic rubber that we cut, ship and print.

Poids unitaire0.011 Kg
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Température curie
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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