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Magnetic label holder with card and transparent protection - Length 1m Width 4 cm

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
11.28 € HT (13.54) 13.54

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Référence produit : BC40

40 mm

- Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Label your steel shelves and warehouse racking with these magnetic label holder.They can be used on any ferrous surface.
You can insert label from 1 to 5cm high.
The magnetic label holder includes : Bristol label and transparent PVC protective film to keep your label safe.

1m long tape

This item is made with a 1m long C-profile magnetic rubber tape. It can be easily trimmed to any size with scissors.


Simply cut the magnetic tape to the right size, and stick your label holder to any ferrous surface. Insert the bristol label and the transparent PVC protective layer.It can be easily moved and repositioned.{PARAGRAPHE17}{PARAGRAPHE27}

Poids unitaire0.199 Kg
Face supérieure
Face inférieure
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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