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Round colored magnet 10mm x 9mm

Attention : photo non contractuelle
Prix unitaire & dégressivité
0.62 € HT (0.74) 11.1

Choissisez votre support et format :

supports et formats disponibles :

Blanc   Bleu   Jaune  
Noir   Orange   Rouge  
Référence produit : AIBR10X9
en - Fabrication française.

Description du produit

Round and colored decorative magnets with one neodymium magnet.Magnets are made of neodymium, an iron/boron/rare earth alloy.
Magnet is in a round plastic housing that protects it from impacts and makes it easy to grab. You can choose the diameter and the color of the plastic housing.

Strong magnetic performance

: With its powerful neodymium magnet, it holds more than 5 sheets of paper size A4 on a white board.

The different products available in the decorative colored magnet range or customized magnet range

Two shapes available : round ( 4 diameters available from 10mm to 40mm) or rectangular.For each shape of colored magnet, 8 colors are available as well as{Lien022}.We can{Lien023}on the round or rectangular plastic housing : files must be sent ready to print, in the following format : .ai, .psd, .pdf ou .jpg at the following mail address :

Poids unitaire0.003 Kg
Force arrachage
Température utilisation
Température curie
Rémanence Br
Champ coercitif bHc
Champ coercitif jHc
Produit énergétique (BxH)max

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